Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Steve's Apple Pie Recipe - Awesome

There are 4 key elements to making this pie:

1. Use a variety of great crisp apples - from the orchard if possible

2. Toss the ingredients together and let sit at room temperature for an hour before filling pie crust so the moisture of the apples can be drawn out and the spices infused to the apples.

3. Use the worlds best Flaky Pie Crust Recipe and Technique

4. The pie is not done until you see apples juice bubbling out of the slits in the crust. If that hasn't happened by the times list below KEEP COOKING till it does.


2 crusts worth of chilled Flaky Pie Crust

3/4 cup sugar

5 cups apples - maybe 6 or 7 peeled apples sliced into about 10 crescents each - heaping filling is good
2 Tablespoons corn starch
3 Tablespoon flour

1-2 Tablespoon Lemon Juice - also grated zest if using a real lemon

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

1 teaspoon nutmeg

2 tablespoons ground cinnamon or more depending on your tastes

2 tablespoons unsalted organic, cold butter - cit into small pieces to dot on filling before adding top crust.

Steve's Technique: Preheat over to 425 degrees

1. Combine all the DRY ingredients in a small bowl and mix well.

2. Pour the lemon juice and zest over the apples in a bowl and mix well to coat

3. Add the dry ingredients to the Apples and mix very well to coat all the apples.

4. Let sit for an hour to get everything juicy

5. Stir the Apples up very well to distribute the juicy goodness

6. Heap apples into pie pan with bottom crust in it and pat down - heaping in center

7. dot with the butter chunks

8 Put on top crust per instructions for making crust in my other post and slit a few steam/juice holes.

Bake pie for 30 minutes on open grates in middle of oven

After 30 minutes slide a baking sheet under pie pan and lower oven temp to 350degrees and cook for another 30 minutes or until you see think juices bubbling out.

cool on a rack


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