Monday, April 18, 2011

The Void Engine

What better way is there to improve your knowledge of engines than to do one on your own ?
I can't find I guess I'll stick to this idea.

That in mind, I'll start to code an engine from scratch and release some features when they are ready.
What I'll try to do is to avoid using existing libraries so that the engine can stay as free as possible.
Of course, I don't expect anything from it. Don't know how far I'll be able to go and I don't expect anyone to even take a look at it :)
Anyway it still is a good experience I think.

To start with, I'll try to implement the following:

  1. Basic maths
  2. FSM structure
  3. Sound api
  4. XML reader/writer (probably)
  5. COLLADA importer
Then, if everything goes well I'll begin a simple 3D lib. The best would be that the engine could be used under both win and unix OS using DirectX and OpenGL. Still didn't figured out how to do so though.

Anyway, it's still too soon to talk about that...


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